Standard Post With A Featured Image

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Sometimes you’ll want to add featured images to your post. Here’s what a post would look like with a featured image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac … Read More

Image Post

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This is a great way to showcase cool individual images in a quick and easy way. While writing your post: select the image format, add your featured image, then click Publish!

Audio Without Image

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You can share your favorite audio files for all your visitors to listen to. You have the choice to set a featured image, however this is how things look when you have an audio post without one.

Have You Heard Of Them?

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Link posts are great for sharing cool sites and online resources. All links open in a new window, and the title of your post shows above the link. As always the featured image is optional. Should you decide to use a featured image, you can upload any size (height and width).

Audio With Image

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Sometimes there’s nothing more powerful than the perfect song and image to go with it. Here is an audio post with the optional featured image.

Standard Post With No Featured Image

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Sometimes you just want to type. No messing with images. Here’s what a post would look like with no featured image. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque pretium, nisi ut volutpat mollis, leo risus interdum arcu, eget facilisis quam felis id mauris. Ut convallis, lacus nec ornare volutpat, velit turpis scelerisque purus, quis mollis velit purus ac … Read More